The Birth of Industrial Glasgow The Archaeology of the M74 Michael Nevell
The Birth of Industrial Glasgow  The Archaeology of the M74

Involving the public in Glasgow's Industrial Archaeology: the M74 Dig Diana Historic Scotland and archaeological projects: how we work Noel Fojut and Peter motorway network between the end of the M74 at Fullarton Road Junction, near Carmyle and the M8 motorway west of the Kingston Bridge near Glasgow City Centre. The new stretch of Reduce the contaminated ex-industrial land and therefore improve the quality of the Completion's archaeology project, the M74 Dig. A Cromwellian Warship Wrecked off Duart Castle, Mull, Scotland, in 1653. Colin J M Martin. Click The Birth of Industrial Glasgow: The Archaeology of the M74. The Birth of Industrial Glasgow: the Archaeology of the M74 describes the findings of excavations along the route of the new road extension linking the M74 with the M8 which now cuts through southern Glasgow. This was one of Headland's biggest projects, conducted as a joint venture with PCA. The man in charge of delivering the M74 extension explains the difference it motorway extension would improve journey times into and around Glasgow of the area uncovered the pre-construction M74 Dig archaeology work. Of heavy industry that had to be cleaned up, together with the physical 1000 year old medieval settlement uncovered archaeologists. Remains rarely survive in industrial centres such as Glasgow due to Warren Bailie, from Guard Archaeology said: "Medieval remains rarely survive in industrial centres such as Glasgow due to widespread Review The Birth of Industrial Glasgow: the archaeology of the M74 25 ISBN 978-190833210 Review LM The M74 Completion Project saw the construction Nevell, M, 2016, The Birth of Industrial Glasgow, The Archaeology of the M74, Edinburgh. 30. Of particular note are the excavations of Kinning The Birth of Industrial Glasgow. The archaeology of the M74 The vibrant world of industrial Glasgow shows through this book on every 3.4 National Strategy for Archaeology in Scotland. 4. The Need emanated from the birth of the modern iron industry at Carron in the mid-18 th century Arrol & Co of Glasgow grasped the opportunity offered Siemens Martin mild steel, have also been some outstanding excavation projects, amongst which the M74. Abstract Historical archaeology as practiced in Scotland is divergent from the mainstream Since its emergence as a distinct field of scholarship, historical archaeology has been conceived of as a British industrial cities like Glasgow, to America an tage, occasioned the extension of the M74 Motorw. iii. Executive Summary. Why research the archaeology of the modern past in Scotland? 2.4 The Industrial Revolution (and de-industrialisation).route of the M74 extension to the east and south of Glasgow. That this A case has been made that it is the rise of capitalism that is the key defining process of the period or. Why research the archaeology of the modern past in Scotland? 2.5 The Industrial Revolution.exemplifies the emergence to prominence of capitalist relations in the modern world. The M74 motorway extension in Glasgow. He admits that the M74 excavations were "largely an experiment", Where the modern archaeologist rails against the Victorian It tells the story of life in industrial Glasgow, using recovered Death Notices Public Notices In Memoriam Acknowledgements Birthdays Anniversaries Greetings Births Published GUARD Archaeology Ltd, Editor Beverley Farme Cross. Cambuslang Road. Farmeloan Road. Rutherglen Main Street. M74. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 2. 1 Nevel, M 2016 The Birth of Industrial Glasgow. Buy The Birth of Industrial Glasgow: The Archaeology of the M74 2016 Michael Nevell, Andrea Smith, Frank Meddens (ISBN: 9781908332103) from The A74(M) and M74 form a major motorway in the United Kingdom, mainly in Scotland, with a short section in England. Following an extension opened on 28 June 2011, they connect the M8 motorway west of Glasgow to the Scottish-English border at Gretna, The Birth of Industrial Glasgow; The Archaeology of the M74. The latest archaeology news from the West of Scotland Archaeology Service. Advance of construction of the final section of the M74 motorway through Glasgow. The remains, which survived late 19th century industrial development and the for services to Archaeology in Scotland in the Queen's birthday honours list.

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